Category Archives: Apple Valley Bail Bonds

Creating an Emergency Kit


As Californians, many of us know that the “Big One” could be just around the corner. We have to live in a constant state of preparedness. This means having plans for what to do in the event of an earthquake, and having supplies ready. The following is a list of supplies that every household should […]

Scary California Legends: The Monster of Elizabeth Lake


It is finally October, which means Halloween is right around the corner. It is the time of the year when the weather gets colder, and scary stories reign supreme. With as large a state as California is, it should come as no surprise that there are a lot of scary myths and legends out there […]

What to Do in California in Fall


Fall is finally upon us. The warm, sometimes unbearably hot, days of summer are behind us as the days begin to shorten. The air becomes cooler, but not in an unpleasant way. The leaves on the trees begin to change their colors, and migrations begin. Fall is a magical time of the year and represents […]

Can a Bounty Hunter Arrest You?


A bounty hunter is someone who tracks down fugitives who have failed to meet the requirements of their bail contract. When a person is out on bail, they have to go to their assigned court dates and make the necessary payments to their bail agent on time. If the person fails to do this, then […]

Being Safe on Social Media


In the modern age, social media is a part of everyday life for most people. In fact, over 20% of time spent online is spent on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter. People love having the ability to interact with friends at the tips of their fingers. Unfortunately, friends are not the only people […]

Driving with a Cell Phone in California


In California, the laws about using a phone while driving were pretty limited in the past. It used to be, that the law only prohibited the using a device to read, write, or send text based communications. This failed to cover using a phone for any other purpose, which as many of us know, smart […]

All the Services at Apple Valley Bail Bonds


Bail bond services, it is in our name. Apple Valley Bail Bonds has another helpful service that you may not know about, and that is conducting free, anonymous warrant searches. If you have reason to believe that you, or a loved one, may be wanted by the police, you can ask Apple Valley Bail Bonds […]

When Things Do Not Go Perfectly Right


Tell yourself that 2017 will be the year that everything goes right, and commit to this statement as much as possible. Everyone knows that some things will go a little wrong every now and then, and that is okay. After all, life is not perfect. The little wrongs are easy to fix, but the bigger […]

Forget What You Heard About Bail Bonds


When there is so much chatter that goes around, something is bound to get lost in translation. It does not help when the chatter is about something that most people do not think they will ever have to be involved with; arrest and bail. Naturally, when they are suddenly thrown this curveball in life, their […]

Always There for You


There is no rule that says you cannot use the same bail bond company over and over again, even if it is to bail out the same person each time. It does look bad. It is not a good sign if one person is continually running into legal trouble. Regardless, Rancho Cucamonga Bail Bond Store […]