Tag Archives: San Bernardino bail agents

Not Every Hiding Spot for Presents Is a Good One

where to hide christmas presents

With the holidays finally here, everyone will be out and about doing a bit of holiday shopping in an attempt to find the perfect gifts for their loved ones. Now, finding the right gift for someone can be difficult, but it is possible. However, hiding a gift can be even more difficult. This is especially […]

Rescuing Someone from Jail Is Easy

zero money down bail in san bernardino

Learning that a close friend has been arrested can make it feel like the world is ending, but it isn’t. Your friend is not stuck in jail. You can help get him or her out by posting bail. The thought of this is intimidating to most people, because they do not know how bail works. […]

Leaving Your Dog at Home Means You Won’t Face Jail Time

leaving dog in car

Summer is fast approaching and that means the temperatures will soar. That means it’s time to start rethinking your habit of taking your dog every where you go, or if you do decide to take your dog while you’re running errands, you better have a plan for what you’re going to do with them, and […]

Mudslide Preparation

Mudslide Preparation

Most Californian’s know to be prepared for earthquakes and fires, but often overlook another common natural disaster within the state. We received a lot of rain in the early parts of 2017 in California. Then things dried up and we experienced plenty of fires as a result. Since we’ve had several large fires and winter […]

When Can You Safely Cross a Road?

When Can You Safely Cross a Road

With the start of the new year, several new laws were put into place in California. One such law revolved around crosswalks. Something that many people may not have realized, was that it was illegal to enter a crosswalk once the signal began to flash or display “Don’t Walk.” Anyone who failed to follow this […]

Fire Preparation

Fire Preparation

With temperatures finally dropping, some Californians are breathing a sigh of relief because they managed to survive yet another fire season. However, that’s not always the case. This past year, there were thousands of arcs burned, and hundreds of homes lost to fires. Once a fire gets too big, there is no controlling it, it […]

Always Look for a Good Deal

san bernardino bail bonds

There are many people out there who hate to spend money on themselves, but they will happily spend as much as they want on their loved ones. No price is too great when it means making a loved one happy. Even if you are someone like this, you should still try to find a good […]

What Happens During and After the Booking Process?


The booking process is what happens after a person was just arrested. This process involves a series of procedures the defendant goes through in order to be properly and formally documented into the system; this is when the official arrest record is created. The booking process is standard procedure for all defendants, and there is […]

No Exceptions to Underage Drinking


Even if it happens under your roof and under your supervision, underage drinking is illegal in California. The minimum drinking age across the United States is 21, but there are some states that allow exceptions to this rule when teens are drinking in the presence of, and with the permission of their parents. Some of […]

Hit the Slopes This Winter


Explore the mountains of California by coasting down the slopes. Even though it currently feels like summer, the winter weather is around the corner. With it being winter, hopefully it’s just a matter of time before we get more snow on the mountains. Some places have seen snow fall already. Other places have just been […]