Tag Archives: frequent underage drinking questions

Who Is Liable If a Minor Drinks at a Party?

underage drinking laws

From time to time, people get adventurous and decide that they want to throw a party at their home. Maybe they haven’t seen their friends and family members in a while, or they have some big event to celebrate, whatever the reason, they want everyone there. Hosting a party is no easy undertaking. Figuring out […]

The Truth about Underage Drinking

california underage drinking laws

It’s almost time for school to begin, which means summer vacations are over and families across the state are heading back home for the new school year. The start of a new school year also marks the reunification of friends after a summer spent apart. If you’re the parent of a teenager, then chances are […]

No Exceptions to Underage Drinking


Even if it happens under your roof and under your supervision, underage drinking is illegal in California. The minimum drinking age across the United States is 21, but there are some states that allow exceptions to this rule when teens are drinking in the presence of, and with the permission of their parents. Some of […]