Category Archives: Highland Bail Bonds

What Method is Used To Determine Bail?


Many people, when they hear the price of their loved one’s bail, wonder why it is so high. How could their loved one’s bail be so expensive? It makes them wonder how the price of a person’s bail is determined. A judge determines a person’s bail price. To start, the judge looks at something that […]

What to Do in an Active Shooter Situation


We have all seen the horrible stories on the news where some lunatic with a gun decides to attack dozens of innocent people. Sadly, this happens far too often. It is in the back of many people’s minds when they go out to special events. Due to this fact, it is important for everyone to […]

Is Shoplifting a Felony?


If you know someone who recently got into trouble for shoplifting, you are probably very concerned about him or her. You wonder how much trouble a person can get into for shoplifting. How serious of an offense is it to steal something from a store or other place of business? Well, the answer to that […]

Winterizing Your Home


Winter may still officially be more than a month away, but it is time to start preparing your house for the cold. After all, many places in California are already starting to feel the effects of winter. You do not want to wait until it is too cold to do anything, or until something breaks […]

0% Interest Bail Bonds in Los Angeles


Interest rates are rarely ever a good thing. Admittedly, they sometimes mean more money is being put into your account, but often times, it means something else. Most people know interest rates as needing to pay more money too someone the longer they take to pay back the money. Interest rates raise the cost of […]

Bailing Someone Out with Penny Bail Bonds in Los Angeles


Most people recognize the fact that no one knows everything. Everybody has certain areas of knowledge where they are experts, and areas where they no nothing. For many people out there, one area where they have very little understanding, is anything revolving around the arrest of an individual. After all, why should they? Some people […]

Get a Good Deal with Penny Bail Bonds in Los Angeles

newport beach bail bonds

Everyone is always looking for a good deal. While it’s true that many people will simply make grocery purchases without shopping around, that does not always apply to larger purchases. Whenever someone is making a big purchase, or spending a lot of money, they always do some shopping around to find the best deal available. […]

Penny Bail Bonds in San Bernardino is Committed to You


30 years ago, the founding family here at Penny Bail Bonds in San Bernardino sat down and laid out a set of values, goals, and a mission. Today, we continue to believe in these same fundamentals that have not only brought our business success, but have also brought our clients relief, freedom from stress and […]

Picture This


Picture your warm, comforting home. Now picture jail. It is likely you are thinking along the lines of cold, dingy, dirty, cement cells and an overall, unpleasant experience. If you were arrested, wouldn’t you rather bail out of jail and return home, than live in jail during your entire trial? Now think about how your […]

Cash Bail vs. Bail Bonds


When needing to post bail, a defendant has a couple of options. Which option he or she chooses is dependent on what they can afford. The first option is cash bail. For this option, the defendant, and anyone on his or her behalf, must pay the full bail amount to the court in order for […]