Understanding The Different Types Of Bail

florence-Bail Bonds

Cash Bond
• Defendant pays the whole bail amount in cash to the court
• Full amount must be paid before the defendant can leave jail
• Will be refunded if defendant makes all court appearances and meets any other conditions and requirements of release
• Most often used when judge considers defendant a flight risk or a danger to the public

Bail Bond or Surety Bond
• Used when the defendant is unable to pay the full bail amount by themselves
• A bail bond company and agent gets involved, charging the defendant a premium, 10% of the full bail amount
• The bail agent becomes responsible for the defendant
• If the defendant does not appear in court, or they do not pay the bail agent, more serious consequences will occur

Property Bond
• Personal possessions and valuables are pledged to secure bail payment
• Items are often cars, homes, jewelry, but they must be items that are completely owned by the person pledging it; they cannot still be making payments on these property items
• Property will be released back to the owner if the defendant meets all court appearances and other conditions

Immigration Bond
• Very similar to a bail bond
• For immigrants held by federal immigration

For more details on the types of bail bonds that are offered at Florence Bail Bond Store, please visit PennyBailBonds.com or call toll-free to 866-736-6977