Category Archives: Apple Valley Bail Bonds

Handicap Parking Laws

handicap parking laws in california

We all know the struggle of trying to find the perfect parking spot. During the summer months, it seems near impossible to find a good spot. The best spot are usually reserved for drivers with handicaps, and even then there are few of the spots still. It may be tempting to just park in a […]

Get Your Paws Out of the Heat

walking your pet in summer

We love taking our furry friends out for walks and they love it when we take them places. It’s fun to take them places, and watch the get all excited to explore and meet new people. California is currently heating up with the approach of summer and as responsible pet owners, we need to be […]

Consequence of Driving with a Suspended License

driving with suspended license

Having a driver’s license makes life considerably easier and in some parts of California, the ability to drive is a key component of survival since there’s no form of public transportation. However, there are times when the State of California can decide to suspend your license. How a Driver’s License Becomes Suspended It’s a great […]

What is Probation Anyways?

what is probation

No one likes getting in trouble. We were all kids once, and experienced the feeling of disappointment from a parent. Then you try to move on, but you siblings or friends like to remind you of that one mistake you made 5 years ago. That makes it worse. Being reminded constantly of the mistake doesn’t […]

Using GPS in California Could Result in Legal Trouble

gps laws in california

Very few of us even carry a map in the car with us. Why would we when GPS is so much more accurate and gives us directions while we actually drive. As wonderful as GPS devices are, if you’re driving in California and using one, you need to be careful. Like most states, California has […]

The Consequences of Ignoring a Mandatory Evacuation

ignoring mandatory evacuation laws

Last year, California had a rash of wildfires that resulted in the police ordering a large number of mandatory evacuations. The idea of these mandatory evacuations is that it keeps people safe and allows emergency crews to focus on handling problems rather than saving people’s lives. The problem is that there are several people who […]

Getting in Trouble for a DUI

san bernardino bail bonds

You went out with friends the other night, and you thought someone else was going to be the designated driver. As it turns out, it was actually your turn to be the designated driver. Now you have to drive everyone home after a few drinks. Against your better judgement, you say you feel fine and […]

Prep Your Car for Winter


Winter is almost upon, officially at least, and with that cold weather breathing down our necks, it is important to get things ready for the season. A person should always winterize the various aspects of their property, this includes their car. While it may not seem like it, your vehicle needs to be prepared for […]

More DUI Checkpoints around Holidays


If you are out driving around near the holidays, you might have noticed an increase in DUI checkpoints. This is typical of any holiday where people drink more alcohol than usual. Officers know that drinking will increase around the holidays, which will lead to an increase in drunk drivers. The goal of these DUI checkpoints […]

California is on Fire, Again


California does this thing every so often that involves turning the state into a giant flame. Our thoughts go out to all who may be in danger from the fire, and to the firefighters working the longer than normal shifts. Unfortunately, this happens at least once a year. It seems like California decides “Hey you […]