Category Archives: San Bernardino Bail Bonds

An Example Of A False Report

It’s not very surprising, but instead disappointing, that there are people in prison who have been wrongly convicted of a crime. The person could be in prison because investigators were lazy, the jury was lazy or racist or sexist, the technology to test DNA and evidence was not as precise and accurate as it is […]

The Big Differences Between Seventeen Year Olds And Eighteen Year Olds.

When you’re fifteen or sixteen years old, and you get in trouble with the police, your parents are the ones who will be responsible for the consequences that arise like paying fines. Your allowance may be taken away from you, for awhile, but your parents will be the ones who will need to sign papers, […]

How You Know If You Can Apply For A Bail Bond

Most defendants will be eligible to apply for a bail bond to get out of jail if they wish to use this route; however, not all defendants will qualify for a bail bond. You don’t need to be above or below a certain average household income. You don’t need to be of a certain age. […]

The Weirdest California Laws

● You cannot play with a frisbee at any Los Angeles beaches unless you get the lifeguard’s “okay.” ● Women may not drive while wearing a house coat. ● No vehicle without a driver can go more than 60 miles per hour. ● Animals may not mate in public if they are within 1,500 feet […]

The Positivity Behind Bail Bonds

Most people tend to associate negative thoughts and feelings with bail bonds because it means that someone they love was arrested for a crime. The idea of associating positivity, relief, and care with bail bonds is at the very back of their minds, if at all. But these emotions should really manifest louder than negativity […]

What Happens To A Bail Bond When Court Is Missed

When a person is released from jail on a bail bond, they are also making a promise to go to all the court dates they are required to go to. Going to court is a condition of their release. If there is a conflict, it is best to get the other event moved, not the […]

Mom And Penny Bail Bonds : Your Best Bets

Moms will be moms and that means they are always going to worry about you, wherever you are, whatever you’re doing. It’s that natural motherly instinct. It’s part of your job to reassure her you are fine, that she raised a good son or daughter. In order to do this, you need to show responsibility. […]

Ask For Help Before It’s Too Late

Asking for help might be intimidating and embarrassing, especially for young adults. Young adults want to prove they can handle everything they get involved in. They want to show their independence. But nobody should have to handle a very big problem – like, legal problems – by themselves. Closest friends and family are some of […]

What If I Can’t Afford Bail?

Let’s face it – bail is expensive no matter how much your bail price is, whether it’s in the few hundreds to the thousands or even a million! On top of that, it’s not something you ever really anticipate having to pay for, so you don’t have a budget for that like you do for […]

You’re Greater Than Your Arrest

Getting arrested and bailing out of jail is going to be embarrassing – both for the person who was arrested, as well as their absolute closest friends and family members. But instead of facing this situation as an overbearing punishment, think of it as a lesson and motivation to be a better, more responsible and […]