Tag Archives: San Bernardino bail bonds

Mom And Penny Bail Bonds : Your Best Bets

Moms will be moms and that means they are always going to worry about you, wherever you are, whatever you’re doing. It’s that natural motherly instinct. It’s part of your job to reassure her you are fine, that she raised a good son or daughter. In order to do this, you need to show responsibility. […]

You’re Greater Than Your Arrest

Getting arrested and bailing out of jail is going to be embarrassing – both for the person who was arrested, as well as their absolute closest friends and family members. But instead of facing this situation as an overbearing punishment, think of it as a lesson and motivation to be a better, more responsible and […]

What Are Bail Bonds For?

The purpose of a bail bond is to ensure a person’s release from jail, pre-trial, but also to ensure their appearance in court before the judge. In order to receive a bail bond, the defendant must first be granted bail; this comes from the judge during the arraignment hearing. Then, the defendant, or someone on […]

Your Tax Return Can Help Pay For Bail

No matter how much or how little you are receiving for your tax return, any amount will help a bit of your financial burden in having to pay for a bail bond. Granted, bail bonds are already the more affordable method to bailing out of jail, but that still doesn’t mean bail bonds are cheap. […]

Any Jail, Any Time – Always Bail

No matter what California jail you are taken to, San Bernardino Bail Bond Store can help bail you out, if you are eligible for bail after your arraignment hearing. No matter what day of the week it is, or what hour of the day it is, San Bernardino Bail Bond Store will answer your online […]

California’s Gun Laws And What They Mean To You

The purpose of gun laws is to regulate the use, sale, and possession of firearms. Each U.S. state may have different gun laws; California has some of the most restrictive gun laws in the country. In terms of owning and selling guns in California: ● A person must be at least 18 to purchase a […]

Keep Up With Bail Bond Payments With Tax Returns

When you start doing your taxes, you will be asked that in the case you paid excess taxes in the previous year, would you like the balance to be refunded to you or applied to this coming year’s taxes. The pros to either might be obvious: ● If you choose to be refunded, you will […]

Don’t Spend Spring Break In Jail

Spring break for colleges is coming up in the next few weeks and already many are planning how they are going to spend that week. Some will be traveling. Some will return home. Most will be consuming alcohol and many may also get their hands on some illegal drugs… Basically, spring break is a time […]

A Guide To Understanding Bail In Real Life

What you watch on television shows are never the full truth and full story. There just isn’t enough time to watch every detail of how bail bonds work because showing that is not as exciting to the viewer as the high speed police chase part of the show. So, to help you understand how bail […]

Pay For Your Bail Bond, Not Strained Relationships

Getting arrested is such a selfish thing to do. How many people are affected by one person’s arrest? Countless friends and family members.Some coworkers or peers.Tax-payers. So, practically everyone. Sure the one person who is arrested faces the scariest consequences and the toughest recovery period. But those closest to them also deal with consequences. They […]