Category Archives: Redlands Bail Bonds

Speeding Is a Big Deal

california speeding laws

There are so many different laws here in California that it is practically impossible for a single person to remember every law within the state. However, there are some laws that everyone knows about and yet choose to ignore. There are a few select laws out there that people break all of the time, some […]

What to Do About Stray Animals

what to do about a stray dog

Most pet owners are very good at what they do and truly love the animal in their care. All they want is what is best for their furry companion. Unfortunately, not everyone is like that. Some people get animals simply to have one, and once they realize how much work and money it takes to […]

Is is a a Good Idea to Warm Up You Car When it’s Cold?

california idling laws

When the weather grows colder, people begin to do everything that they can to avoid being cold for any length of time. They spend more time indoors, bundle up in extra layers before venturing outside, and even warm up their cars before getting into them. Many people view leaving a car idling as a great […]

Is It Legal to Drive With an Animal on Your Lap?

driving with dog in lap california laws

Pretty much every pet owner out there has a furry companion that they would do everything they can for. Some pet owners love their critters so much that they take them everywhere they go. This seems like a harmless and fun way for a person to spend time with their beloved companion, however it can […]

Understanding Assault with a Deadly Weapon

assault with a deadly weapon

Assault with a deadly weapon is basically what it sounds like. It means you are accused of assaulting someone and at the time you had something that could have been considered a deadly weapon. Like most legal issues, assault with a deadly weapon isn’t as simple as we would like it to be. What is […]

Disorderly Conduct in California

disorderly conduct laws

One of the problems with California’s legal system is that sometimes it’s difficult to know that you’re breaking the law. In many disorderly conduct cases, people think they’re just having a good time or being opinionated until the police show up. Sometimes people don’t even know what they’ve done until they hear the charges as […]

Understanding Slander in California

california slander laws

Most Americans know that the First Amendment grants the right to free speech. The problem that many of us encounter is we don’t fully grasp the differences between free speech and slander. What is Free Speech? Many of us interpret the First Amendment to mean that we’re free to say whatever we want, to whomever we want, […]

The Difference Between Manslaughter and Involuntary Manslaughter

manslaughter vs voluntary manslaughter

From a legal standpoint, manslaughter is, “the unlawful killing of a human being without any malice aforethought.” What that means is that something you did resulted in the death of someone else. What separates it from other types of murder charges is that you didn’t actively think you were going to do something that would […]

What Should I Do if My Family Fights?

tips to avoid fighting

Families fight. Some just happen to fight more than others. The trick to weathering family fights is recognizing the signs that the fight is starting to escalate into something that won’t simply blow over and taking steps to diffuse the situation. Remove Yourself From the Situation When a fight is starting to get too loud […]

Distracted Driving in 2021

distracted driving laws in california

Most of us are familiar with drunk driving and know that it’s something we should avoid. Few of us know about distracted driving. Distracted driving is exactly what it sounds like. If you’re ticketed for distracted driving, it means that rather than paying attention to the road, the bulk of your attention was focused on […]