Monthly Archives: September 2020

Are You Impacted by California’s Mandatory Reporting Law?

mandatory reporting laws

Are You Impacted by California’s Mandatory Reporting Law? You just watched your neighbor commit a crime. You know what they did was illegal, but you aren’t sure what you should do about the situation. You don’t want to get anyone in trouble. On the other hand, you know you don’t like the idea of living […]

Is Your Dog a Lemon?

california dog lemon laws

Is Your Dog a Lemon? When you bring a dog into your family, you assume that you’re getting a healthy animal who will be a buddy and best friend for several years. Unfortunately, sometimes things don’t work out the way you hope. Instead of a pet who will go on hikes and give you comfort, […]

What Happens When the Police Knock on Your Door

what happens when police knock on your door

There is nothing quite as gut-wrenching as opening your front door and finding the police standing on the other side. They never bring good news. Experiencing a moment of panic and indecision when they ask to be let in is perfectly natural. Questions that will likely run through your mind at this point include: Do […]

The Right to Remain Silent

what are miranda rights

We’re all familiar with the Miranda Rights, which basically grants us the ability to not tell the police anything if we’re arrested. While we’ve heard thousands of television cops recite the famous words “you have the right to remain silent” few of us actually know what that means. The History of the Miranda Rights The […]

Parking your RV in California

rv parking laws california

RVs are great. They’re big enough to hold everything you need while you travel, they eliminate the stress that goes hand-in-hand with having to figure out where you’re going to stay and eat while you’re vacationing. They allow you to stay at places such as national and state parks overnight and for extended periods of […]

The Difference Between Carjacking and Auto Theft in California

grand theft auto in california

On the surface, carjacking and grand theft auto might seem like very similar crimes, but the State of California disagrees. What is Carjacking The State of California addressed the topic of carjacking in California Penal Code Section 215. If you decide to take a car that is currently being operated or is in the possession […]